Down again for the count...stupid cold!
By Rachel Schardt - 11:44 AM
Oh how I hate the winter and no it's not cos of the north...whatever that means. It's cold and flu season. The achy, stay in the bed, drink lots of fluids and most of all rest. As a mother usually that doesn't happen, but recently things have changed and for the better :).
According to Healthline: Adults get two or three cases of the head cold each year. Kids can catch eight or more of these illnesses annually. Colds are the main reason why kids stay home from school and adults miss work.
Head cold symptoms
One way to know whether you’ve caught a head cold is by the symptoms. These include:
- a stuffed or runny nose
- sneezing
- sore throat
- cough
- low-grade fever
- general ill feeling
- mild body aches or headache
Head cold symptoms usually appear one to three days after you’ve been exposed to the virus. Your symptoms should last for seven to 10 days.
The biggest issue with the common cold is's viral. It has to run it's course but there are preventative measures that one can take. See the list below!
Especially during cold season, which is in the fall and winter, take these steps to avoid getting sick:
- Avoid anyone who looks and acts sick. Ask them to sneeze and cough into their elbow, rather than into the air.
- Wash your hands. After you shake hands or touch common surfaces, wash your hands with warm water and soap. Or, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer to kill germs.
- Keep your hands away from your face. Don’t touch your eyes, nose, or mouth, which are areas where germs can easily enter your body.
- Don’t share. Use your own glasses, utensils, towels, and other personal items.
- Boost your immunity. You’ll be less likely to catch a cold if your immune system is working at peak capacity. Eat a well-rounded diet, get seven to nine hours of sleep nightly, exercise, and manage stress to stay healthy.
The other main thing is to rest, rest, rest if you can which maybe difficult if you have littles at home or your a mother. Take care and hope you all are doing well when you read this post!