Ok so an update from the last household clutter post I made. I did the dirty I confronted everyone, yup that means the hubby too about how we need to start getting into the habit of cleaning up after ourselves. I would of thought the kids would roll their eyes and moan, nope I swear hubby really thinks he's an 11 year old.
So the girls started washing their own dishes after they eat and drink. Help me out when I ask. Daughter 2 washes the not so dangerous kitchen items after we bake and etc. Daughter 3 just did tonight's dishes but I did tell her to leave some things I'll wash them later.
Now I will say this hubby does do stuff around the house to help but between college and work and everything else it's been a bit hard for him. He does try, and when he can he gives me 110% to make it easier on me. It's been kinda painful these past few days with cold weather and nothing but rain. My back, neck and knees don't wanna work or they just sound like snap crackle pop most the time.
The girls have even gotten into the routine of getting things ready to head back to their "other home" in NC so no one is freaking out about how they can't find x,y,z. Most of their clothes have been washed and etc. It's also gonna be so weird of having them here and then they are gone till we don't know when.
Well since it's raining I have things to fold, dishes to wash and my most important thing tonight my buddyboo call. I hope to post some more but it's been so crazy and I have been scattered brain all week.