Flylady cleaning and all that jazz

By Rachel Schardt - 10:50 AM

We all get to that point in our lives that we need to organize the chaos that is in our home. Our OCD starts acting up and next thing you know there are fights with the kids, with our SO and more. All because the method we picked has broken down and yet we are all still the ones trying to clean the house ourselves.

So let me introduce you to FlyLady...A simple yet effective way to manage cleaning, purging and all for one's home. You can tweak any of her methods to clean your own home. Bonus you can start right now if you like! Lets jump in and start from the top!

Lingo: You there is a lingo but it's more of a way to remember what needs to be and where. No more long lists!
5m/15m/30m/45m: Most generally when the letter 'm' follows a number it stands for minutes. 
 15's/ 30's/ 45's: The amount of time you are off the computer to do house work before coming back to post ta-da's(works if your in a group).
 15m of FAME: 15m of Focusing All My Energy
FOCUS: Forever Overcoming Continuous Unwanted Stress
LR: Living room
PUPA: Pick Up Put Away
S&S: Swish & Swipe (a Flylady term for cleaning the sink & counter top followed by cleaning the toilet)
Ta-da's: Completed items off the to-do list
To-do's: Items that need done
TOTH/BOTH: Top of the Hour/ Bottom of the Hour

Zones: All and I mean ALL the rooms in your house. Break it down then clean it up! Not everyone will have 5 zones...I don't. Each week you focus on a Zone then add your in 15 min spot clean throughout the day (more for SAHM) the more you get into the routine of what you need to do the more it will work and all that free time coming up....unless your mother cos lets be honest there is no free time.

Zone 1: Entrance/front porch/dining room
Zone 2: Kitchen
Zone 3: Main bathroom/Extra Room
Zone 4: Master bedroom/bath/closet
Zone 5: Living room/den/TV room

You can read more about the zones here

The great thing is it's to suit you and your family, this link here will take you to a lunch pad with many buttons with different things, take you time and as she says your house didn't become a mess in 1 day. As I find organizational printables I will post them in a another post, but first get your feet wet at and get a feel for what you and your family are needing. 

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