So with 2018 so close to approaching, I have noticed that things are a little off, need to change and need to be updated and new things added. Old things that hold us back and yet are of constant talk need to stop and be worked on and or addressed. It's simple yet complicated and ultimately a beautiful mess but such is life.
With a new home, new love and merging of families (never thought in a million years I would be so lucky) things need to change and in a good way. So for that new planners, ideas, printables that I have found, revamp the household binder (start using) and more.
Looking into the future with my best friend (How did I get so lucky) and looking at the big picture we are going BIG! I'm talking 3 year and 10 year plan for financial goals. Plus kicking the crap out of a nasty but expensive habit (yeah nicotine I'm talking to you), and more for that.
Learning to make more things for cooking at home....really sticking it to the stores and learning to get more for less. Why buy it if I can make and gotta love pinterest for all that and then some.
So look forward to new things that find that are going to help me on this journey of reestablishing/ organizing my way through 2018 and on. I will see what I need to do to help with the cigarette stopping and more and more ways to save money! So keep your eyes open!
With that goodbye 2017 and hello 2018 who knows where we go from here.