Ahh another day, another day to clean I suppose. I got alot of Monday's chores done...I was surprised how much I actually got done...hahah
Ok here's Tuesday's Chores
Living Room/Dining Room
1) Clean off dining room table to actually eat there
2) Possibly shampoo carpet when kids are in bed?
2) Reorganize my pantry and cabinets
Craft Room
3) Take invetory of books, dvd's etc. for household notebook
1) Mail out Swaps
2) Telephone conference with DD doctor about bloody nose-have to do tomorrow he's not in.
4) Telephone conference with my Dr. to cancel surgery and get another procedure booked some where else...long story! Need to call monday about this
5) Pick up yellow light bulb for front porch
6) Call about light bulb replacements for living room...and about the dang ants in the bathrooms...I mean are they lost? Foods in the kitchen silly ants.