Well today is grade 4 Freebies

By Rachel Schardt - 7:24 PM

Yup that's right I'm posting more freebie links and this time it's grade 4!  If you haven't been following I am trying to get a grade done a week of free curriculum that is just that free and secular. If you know anything about secular curriculum it's hard time come by and when you found you jump for a joy. 

I hope you enjoy the links, if you want to stay posted when they are blogged about and all the other great homeschool links I find please become a follower. As always I personally tested these links so I know they work. 

Note: As much as we try to be secular in our teaching needs/wants one must remember that there are key pivotal events that have happened in history that are religious based. You can not expect to teach why there are certain religious undertones in today's law or why there separation of church and state without explaining religion.  religion is often the backbone of people's culture and to strip religion away completely would be to deny these people who helped shape our country and world.

http://www.mhschool.com/instructional_materials/ca/pdf/sc08_4_se.pdf This is part of the California Science book series. The book is available on line.

http://goo.gl/FygV2i This is the student workbook that accompanies the above link.

http://goo.gl/8UuStU Learning about DNA

http://www.msjhs.org/Page/4329 Online books with username and password

http://goo.gl/ZYn9b3 Math Daily book 

http://goo.gl/oFHKEZ Tic Tack Math pt.1

http://goo.gl/7TDRoN Tic Tack Math pt.2

http://goo.gl/f2yEZY Tic Tack Math pt. 3

http://goo.gl/Gif4wD Tic Tack Math pt. 4

http://goo.gl/UTHUvX Tic Tack Math pt. 5

http://www.gwinnett.k12.ga.us/AlcovaES/online_textbooks.htm Math and Science with username and password

http://mrsames.wordpress.com/math/ Intermediate 5 Saxon Math Book

http://goo.gl/H7qj6Q Complete 4th grade math

http://www.eduplace.com/math/hmm/ Interactive math book

http://goo.gl/Vewc74 Grade 4 math Supplements

http://goo.gl/fOdT1E Language arts

http://goo.gl/ySYaYl Spelling and Grammar...the first workbook is used with a textbook

http://goo.gl/bzu3BC Language arts practice book

http://www.tcsdk8.org/attachments/practice.pdf California treasures practice book

http://goo.gl/ONlz2o Daily Language review pt. 1

http://goo.gl/gk7a5G Daily Language Review pt. 2

http://goo.gl/FeXRHX Daily Language Review pt. 3

http://goo.gl/k5eBEu Grammar review

http://goo.gl/zSU08c Tennessee History/Social Studies username and password is there

http://goo.gl/Ss9C6y  Our Country's regions workbook

http://goo.gl/N1u22f Spelling workbook

http://goo.gl/9OT3di Master skills spelling

http://goo.gl/Eto38j  vocabulary 15 min. a day

http://goo.gl/QZhGv9 Daily 6 trait writing

http://goo.gl/UtXtIR Daily Paragraph editing

http://goo.gl/qCV9kI Daily Math Practice

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