Weekly Planners...the search is over!
By Rachel Schardt - 10:24 PM
Don't this look pretty?
So the next step of this homeschool journey is lesson planner. I have searched google, pinterest, currclick and teachers pay teachers to find what I was looking for.
Hours of my life staring at my laptop screen and eye strain later I found my planner and the bonus is that it's edible...not as in you can eat it, but you can change what you need to suit you. I LOVE this planner and can't wait to print more of it.
You can find the planner here. This is created by another blogger user that happens to be a teacher. This baby is color coded and has a place for sight words, spelling words, math skills and more. I LOVE IT! I edited the template to fit what I needed for homeschool such as field trips and reading books instead of groups. I changed the subjects of learning to follow how my son wants his lessons to be. Which by the way he loves having a say in his education.
This is what the planner looks like...I will say this.....This planner was created as a freebie by Mrs. Lindsay. She did not pay me nor am I endorsing her for any monetary gain or free product or what have you in the legalese of letting you all know that I am getting nothing return for writing this post. I just love to share great things that I find for homeschooling or what have you on this blog. She has more freebies, but I will say that most of what she has to offer is for 1st grade. Still worth checking out!
I'm so super happy to have finally found my planner that I can customize for us. You will need power point to download this planner. Enjoy!