Vinegar cleaning recipes

By Rachel Adams - 8:33 PM

Lovely isn't it?

 Vinegar pee yew pee yew, but you clean so well you do, you do....ok enough of the rhyming and onto the grime and cleaning with vinegar!

There are so many recipes for this great product and if you can't handle the smell it's ok it tends to fade away after a few minutes or you can add essential oils to make it smell sooo much better.

Vinegar is also cheaper than those commerical cleaners and better for the environment too. I never head of anyone being allergic to vinegar also....just a hint!

Did you know that vinegar can kill most molds, bacteria and germs due to it's high acidic nature? Cool huh and better than that the smell of bleach but I like the smell of bleach makes think of clean but with little ones I need to use vinegar mostly.

So here is where I post the links and here I shall...enjoy the recipes and tips that I have found for you and know that these sights are good because I would never link a dangerous site unless I didn't know and these are also non spam sites too....Gotta love a blogger that does the dirty (pun) work for you! this has recipes too for one to use...gotta love recipes more recipes to use for cleaning :) 400 recipes and tips for vinegar how awesome!


Vinegar & Oil: More Than 1001 Natural Remedies, Home Cures, Tips, Household Hints and Recipes, With 700 Photographs [Book] by Bridget Jones, Michelle (PHT) Garrett in Books

Vinegar by Vicki Lansky There are 400 recipes and tips in this book

Heinz Vinegar: Over 100 Helpful Household Hints

The Naturally Clean Home: 150 Super-Easy Herbal Formulas for Green Cleaning by Karyn Siegel-Maier

Happy cleaning everyone :)

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