Every Saturday I do a live video in a group that my friend runs on Facebook called slaying away. I touch on all the different types of self care and give suggestions. In some ways it's nerve wracking, and yet informative about the topic of self-care.
I'm sure that your hearing self-care all over the place, mentioned on YouTube makeup tutorials or even by Makeup artists and enthusiasts. There is also a misunderstanding about what self-care is and isn't. Many therapist agree that it's very important part of healing and a healthy way of building up healthy coping mechanisms for anxiety/depression/as well as a host of mental and behavioral health diagnosis.
Let's get into what self-care is shall we? Self care in essence is the mindful taking time to pay attention to YOU, not in a narcissistic way, but in a way that ensures that you are being cared for by you. Self-care is way to avoid burnout, helps with managing stress and living your best life.
Let's look into what is covered in self-care. There are several areas of what encompasses self-care. Not every area is going to work or need to be focused on by you. The first thing that one needs to remember about self care is that there is no cookie cutter style or suggestions that will work for you or myself. So let's jump into the several areas.
Emotional: Mental and emotional self-care practices (we will get into that later) that maintain your mental strength and emotional health. Learning to be more accepting, kind, and forgiving of yourself can reduce stress and anxiety.
Physical: Physical self-care involves activities that improve your physical health, including diet and exercise. Moving your body is important, whether it is through structured sport or exercise, or through entertainment like dancing or going on a hike. Feed your body healthy foods with high nutritional value on a daily basis, and get plenty of sleep. Go to the doctor when you are sick, and get rest when you need it.
Spiritual: Spiritual self-care involves practices that exercise your mind and soul. Some activities that may contribute to your spiritual self-care include: prayer, meditation, attending services with like-minded others, self-exploration and clarifying your values and priorities, reading literature and initiating meaningful discussions with others, finding a way to contribute to the well-being of others.
Social: Activities that nurtures and deepens the relationships with people in your life. This where both people benefit, and the relationship is healthy. It helps you to understand that you’re not alone. Plus, it can also give us a sense of being fully “seen” by others. This can, in particular, help us combat loneliness and isolation.
Environmental: The environmental aspect of self-care means acknowledging what aspects of the environment are meaningful to you. Take care of your personal space- Having a comfortable and organized environment can make us feel less stressed and happier. It helps in reducing anxiety and making us feel more in control of our environment and life.
Professional/ occupational: Occupations are not restricted to your career after college; they can include all of the activities you partake in right now. Involves sharing your strengths and gifts, having clear professional boundaries, whilst living your purpose.
Intellectual/Psychological: Involves learning new things, applying consequential thinking, practicing mindfulness.This is one of the most neglected areas of self-care that most people are lacking engagement in.
If you google self-care techniques, go on Pinterest as well you maybe overwhelmed by the massive amount of tips, tricks and suggestions. These are ideas, you don't have to do them all. Remember no two people are alike and not all these suggestions and tips will work for you. Try a few see if they work if not then you know what it's ok. Your trying and this is all that matters. I would suggest creating a self-care journal to track which methods worked and which didn't so you can create your own self-care plan.
I do hope that is blog post was helpful and informative in the importance of self-care to help you become the best you for you.